University Requirements
Natural Sciences School Requirements
Major Requirements
University and Campus Requirements
The UC Merced general education program consists of courses that are informed by the Guiding Principles for General Education at UC Merced.
University of California Entry Level Writing Requirement
WRI 1 - Academic Writing
or other exemption (see catalog)
American History and Institutions Requirement
- HIST 16 - Forging of the United States 1607-1877 and HIST 17 - Forging of the United States 1877-Present
- or other exemption (see catalog)
One-semester CORE Course
- CORE 1 - The World at Home or approved substitution
Lower Division Writing Course
- WRI 10 - College Reading and Composition
Natural Sciences School Requirements
All Natural Science majors are required to take a minimum of 8 units of Lower Division coursework. These courses cannot be used to meet more than one (1) requirement, duplication is not allowed. Pre-requisites to all courses are available in the UC Merced catalog or online at All courses are not available every semester. Please be sure to review the Schedule of Classes for specific term availability.
One lower division elective in the Humanities or Arts
CCST 60/SPAN 60/ENG 32-Introduction to Chicano/a Culture and Experiences |
GASP 65A-Bollywood |
CHN 1-Elementary Chinese I |
GASP 66A-The American Musical |
CHN 2-Elementary Chinese I |
GASP 70C: Music of the Carribean World |
CHN 3-Intermediate Chinese I |
GASP 72A-Popular Musics |
CHN 4-Intermediate Chinese II |
GASP 75A-Meaning in Music |
ENG 17-Why Harry Potter? Why Literature? |
HIST 5-History of Cartography |
ENG 20-Introduction to Shakespeare |
HIST 10-Introduction to World History to 1500 |
ENG 21-Jane Austen and Popular Culture |
HIST 11-Introduction to World History Since 1500 |
ENG 30-Literature of Childhood |
HIST 16-The Forging of the United States, 1607-1877 |
ENG 31-Introduction to African-American Literature and Culture |
HIST 17-The Modern United States, 1877-Present |
ENG 33-Literature and Sexuality |
HIST 25-Introduction to Environmental History |
ENG 50- Readings in Close Reading |
HIST 27- History of Food |
ENG 52-Politics and Prose of the Nobel Prize in Literature |
HIST 30A-Medieval Europe |
ENG 54- Introduction to American Novel |
HIST 30B-Early Modern Europe |
ENG 55- Introduction to the Short Story |
HIST 31-Modern European History |
ENG 56- Introduction to World Drama |
HIST 40-History of Technology in Society I |
ENG 57-Introduction to Poetry |
HIST 41-History of Technology in Society II |
ENG 64-LGBT Fiction |
HIST 42-The Body in Health and Disease-An Introduction to the History of Medicine |
ENG 66- Literary Romance |
HIST 60-The Silk Road |
ENG 90- Topics in Literature |
HIST 70-History of Islam I: From Muhammad to the Caliphate |
HIST 71-History of Islam II: From the Caliphate to the Present |
FRE 2-Elementary French II |
HIST 80-History of China Through the Mongol Conquest |
FRE 3-Intermediate French I |
HIST 81-History of China Since the Mongol Conquest |
FRE 4-Intermediate French II |
JPN 1- Elementary Japanese I |
GASP 2- Introduction to Music Studies |
JPN 2-Elementary Japanese II |
GASP 3- Intro to Visual Culture |
JPN 3-Intermediate Japanese I |
GASP 4-Introduction to Arts and Cultural Studies |
JPN 4-Intermediate Japanese II |
GASP 5-Intro to Arts and Technology |
PHIL 1- Introduction to Philosophy |
GASP 6-Global Art History |
PHIL 2-Introduction to Ethics |
GASP 7-Music in Society |
PHIL 3-Applied Ethics |
GASP 10-Drawing I |
PHIL 9-Phenomenology and Existentialism |
GASP 11-Painting I |
SPAN 1-Elementary Spanish I |
GASP 12A-Sculpture I |
SPAN 2-Elementary Spanish II |
GASP 13A-Design I |
SPAN 3-Intermediate Spanish I |
GASP 14-Photography I |
SPAN 4-Intermediate Spanish II |
GASP 15A-Multimedia I |
SPAN 10-Spanish for Heritage Speakers I |
GASP 20- Video I |
SPAN 11- Spanish for Heritage Speakers II |
GASP 30C-Swing Music Ensemble |
SPAN 50- Introduction to Hispanic Literature |
GASP 30D-Nordic Music Ensemble |
SPAN 51-Introduction to Hispanic Literatures II |
GASP 31C-Swing Dance Ensemble |
WH 1- Introduction to World History |
GASP 31D-Nordic Dance Ensemble |
WH 2- Cyper Heritage |
GASP 34A-Songwriting |
WH 3-International Heritage |
GASP 36A- Making Electronic Music |
WH 4-World Heritage in Maps: An Introduction to Cartography and GIS |
GASP 55A- Arts of Asia |
WH 10- Cultural Geography |
GASP 55B- Arts of the Islamic World |
One lower division elective in the Social Sciences
ANTH 1-Introduction to Socio-cultural Anthropology |
PUBP 1-Introduction to Public Policy |
ANTH 3-Introduction to Anthropological Archaeology |
SOC 1-Introduction to Sociology* |
ANTH 5-Introduction to Biological Anthropology |
SOC 2-Marriage and the Family |
COGS 1-Introduction to Cognitive Science |
SOC 9-Community Mobilization and Politics |
COGS 5-Introduction to Language and Linguistics |
SOC 20-Social Problems |
ECON 1-Introduction to Economics |
SOC 30-Social Inequality |
PH 1-Introduction to Public Health* |
SOC 35-Introduction to Political Sociology |
PH 5-Global & International Public Health |
SOC 36-Globalization |
POLI 1-Introduction to American Politics |
SOC 38-Sociology of Race and Racism |
POLI 2-Controversies in American Politics |
SOC 40-Intro to the Sociology of Organizations |
POLI 3-Introduction to Comparative Politics |
SOC 50-Self and Society |
POLI 5-Introduction to International Relations |
SOC 55-Sociology of the Family |
POLI 6-Global Issues |
SOC 60-Introduction to the Sociology of Gender |
POLI 9-Community Mobilization and Politics |
SOC 70-Introduction to Crime and Deviance |
PSY 1-Introduction to Psychology* |
SOC 80-Issues of Race and Ethnicity |
Printer-Friendly Handout of Lower Division GE Elective Requirements
All Natural Science majors are required to take a minimum of 8 units of Upper Division Elective coursework. These courses cannot be used to meet more than one (1) requirement, duplication is not allowed. Pre-requisites to all courses are available in the UC Merced catalog or online at All courses are not available every semester. Please be sure to review the Schedule of Classes for specific term availability.
One upper division elective emphasizing oral or written communication
ANTH 150-Race and Human Variation |
PSY 151-The Psychology of Stereotyping and Prejudice |
ANTH 151-Human Adaptability |
PSY 152-Psychological Perspectives on Cultural, Racial, and Ethnic Diversity |
COGS 144-Animal Cognition |
PSY 156-Social Psychology |
COGS 150-Language, Cognition & Interaction |
PSY 160-Cognitive Psychology |
COGS 152-Services Science & Management |
USTU 110-Undergraduate Studies: Tutor Training |
ECON 101-Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory |
WRI 100-Advanced Writing |
ECON 140-Labor Economics |
WRI 104- Personal Writing Style |
ESS 141-Environmental Science Policy |
WRI 111- Course-embedded Tutor Training |
HIST 124A-African American History to 1877 |
WRI 114-Environmental Writing |
HIST 124B-African American History 1877 to Present |
WRI 115-Topics in Science Writing |
MGMT 150-Service Science |
WRI 116-Science Writing in Natural Sciences* |
PHIL 101-Metaphysics |
WRI 117-Writing for the Social Sciences and Humanities |
POLI 110- Governmental Power and the Constitution |
WRI 118-Management Communication Theory and Practice |
PSY 110-History of Psychology |
WRI 119-Writing for Engineering |
PSY 130-Developmental Psychology |
WRI 121- International Rhetoric |
One upper division elective from the Social Sciences, Humanities, or Arts
ANTH 100-199-Upper Division Anthropology |
PH 100-199-Upper Division Public Health |
ARTS 100-199-Upper Division Arts |
PHIL 100-199-Upper Division Philosophy |
COGS 100-199-Upper Division Cognitive Science |
POLI 100-199-Upper Division Political Science |
ECON 100-199-Upper Division Economics |
PSY 100-199-Upper Division Psychology |
ENG 100-199-Upper Division English |
PUBP 100-199-Upper Division Public Policy |
FRE 100-199-Upper Division French |
SOC 100-199–Upper Division Sociology |
GASP 100-199-Upper Division Global Arts |
SPAN 100-199-Upper Division Spanish |
HIST 100-199-Upper Division History |
WCH 100-199-World Cultures and History |
JPN 100-199-Upper Division Japanese |
WH 100-199-Upper Division World Heritage |
MGMT 100-199-Upper Division Management |
WRI 100-199-Upper Division Writing |
Additional courses may be approved in the future. If you have taken a course that is not on this list please check with your advisor for approval
*Strongly recommended for students preparing for health professions schools. Be sure to check specific school requirements for more information.
Printer-Friendly Handout of Upper Division GE Elective Requirement
Major Requirements for 2017-2018
Major area lower and upper division course and emphasis track requirements are unique to each major. Planning guides and sample plans are listed for each emphasis below.
Applied Mathematical SciencesSee course flow chart here.
Earth Systems ScienceSee course flow chart here.
Chemical SciencesSee course flow chart here.
Biological SciencesSee 3 Year Sample Plans here.