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Degree Requirements

Students are held responsible for the information contained in the Univeristy Catalog. Failure to read and comply with university regulations will not exempt a student from whatever penalties they may encounter.

General Education

In addition to University requirements, students are required to complete at minimum 120 units of general education and major requirements to satisfy degree requirements.

Lower Division General Education Requirements

Students must complete all lower-division general education requirements with a “C-” or better, if the course is a pre-requisite to a major requirement.

Upper Division General Education Requirements

Students must complete all upper-division general education requirements with a “C-” or better, if the course is a pre-requisite to a major requirement.

Major Course Requirements

Sample plans for all majors and emphasis tracks are available in MyDegreePath and in the University Catalog.

Major Minimum Grades

  • Students must complete all major pre-requisites with a C- or better.
  • Students must complete all major requirements with a C- or better and maintain a 2.0 GPA in all major course work