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Calculus Competency Exam

Math 11, Calculus I and Math 12, Calculus II. (FAQs can be found hereThese courses are designed to meet the needs of students needing two or fewer semesters of calculus to meet their educational objectives. 

Switching Between Tracks
Switching between tracks is not encouraged. Students from any major may take Math 21 with advisor approval provided they demonstrate educational need for Math 21 and 22.

Students who successfully complete MATH 11 and 12 and need to continue on in coursework requiring MATH 22 as a course requisite will need to pass a MATH 22 competency exam or may enroll in MATH 22. If MATH 22 is successfully completed the grade for MATH 22 will replace the grade for MATH 12 and the student will only receive grade points and units for MATH 22.

Students who wish to switch from MATH 11 to MATH 22 will need to pass a MATH 21 competency exam or may enroll in MATH 21. If MATH 21 is successfully completed the grade for MATH 21 will replace the grade for MATH 11 and the student will only receive grade points and units for MATH 21.

Students need an advisor override to enroll in Math 21 after successfully completing Math 11 or in Math 22 after successfully completing Math 12. Please note the grade points and units from the first course will be removed from the student’s record, but the grade assigned at each enrollment shall be permanently recorded. Students pursuing this option elect to nullify units from a previous semester and need to be advised and understand the potential implications to their time to degree and financial aid.

Competency exams will be administered three times per year. One exam date for each semester (Fall, Summer, Spring) and will be scheduled on the Friday prior to instructional start. Students who need to register to take a Math 21 or Math 22 competency exam must register at least one week prior to the exam date to reserve space. Exams will be graded in time to inform students of the results by the first day of instruction.

Registration is now closed for the January 17, 2025 exam. The next exam will be held May 16, 2025. 

The exam will be held in Science and Engineering 1 270K.

In preparation for the exam:

  • A reminder email will be sent out, one week before the exam
  • Please bring a pencil and paper.
  • Calculators are not allowed to be used

For more information about competency exams please go to: Competency Exams FAQ

Note: The math faculty strongly recommend students taking the calculus competency exam(s) prepare using the required text for MATH 021 and/or 022.