*Note: Advising assignments listed below are for non-first year Natural Sciences students. All first-year students are advised within the Bobcat Advising Center.
If appointments do not work for your schedule or are not available, please visit us during our posted walk-in hours.
Erica Robbins
- Advises Natural Sciences Transfer Students
Schedule an appointment with me.
E-mail: erobbins2@ucmerced.edu
Jenn Souza
- Advises non-first year Applied Mathematics, Chemistry, Environmental Systems Science, Physics, & Undeclared Natural Sciences
- Advises the minors in Applied Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry
Schedule an appointment with me.
E-mail: jsouza5@ucmerced.edu
Chelsea Flannery
- Advises non-first year Biological Sciences Students (Last names A-G)
Schedule an appointment with me.
E-mail: cflannery@ucmerced.edu
Cynthia Granados
- Advises non-first year Biological Sciences Students (Last names H-O)
Schedule an appointment with me.
E-mail: cgranados10@ucmerced.edu
Maricela Melendrez
- Advises non-first year Biological Sciences Students (Last names P-Z)
Schedule an appointment with me.
E-mail: mmelendrez2@ucmerced.edu